How Can You Increase User Acquisition in Your Mobile Games?

The success of chart-topping apps demonstrates how mobile games can be a lucrative source of cash for many producers. These games, however, require much more than a compelling storyline, exciting gameplay, and high-quality graphics to succeed. In short, it requires more elements than you as a developer can give; it need channels to reach potential clients.

Most of the games whose success stories may have inspired you began with a small base of users who liked the game, shared it with their fellow players, and helped the game become a total success. However, reaching that small base of players who may make a mobile game a hit in the gaming industry is no minor feat, and it will necessitate much effort.

Following the natural process of spreading the game through organic media such as friends, supporters, organic search engine results, and so on rarely yields the best results. Furthermore, the procedure is so time-consuming that by the time your game reaches the best of the audience, your idea may have become a little outdated due to the industry’s rapid pace. As a result, if you truly want the finest results for your game, you must evaluate your marketing strategies, and advertising is not the least crucial of them.

This post will explain how to optimize user acquisition for your game using advertising and other means.

Recognize the Terminology:

If you use search ads, including display and other forms, it is critical that you understand basic words that will assist you in optimizing your efforts.

CTR- Click Through Rate indicates how many times your ad was clicked after appearing on search engine results pages.

IR- This is valid for app adverts that take viewers directly to the game’s install page. Install Rate indicates how many people have installed your game.

A/B testing- It is quite improbable that you will find the perfect advertisement on the first try. As a result, trial-and-error is frequently regarded as the process used by all ad creators. To simplify, or rather, organize these efforts for long-term planning and reporting purposes, it is recommended to use A/B Testing to quickly find your best-converting advertisement.


Create good advertisement material as well as landing page content. The material for advertisements should be concise but appealing. Knowing your target audience will be quite beneficial in this situation. Understand what things appeal to the people you’re trying to reach, and then try to incorporate those qualities into your material. On this basis, you can also choose the game’s name, icon, and description. Positive game reviews and screenshots are also important components of game app content, and most users agree on checking these two items before anything else in the material. Aside from that, ensure that the content contains as much information about the game as is required for any keen player to get started with it smoothly. Additionally, attempt to include attractive components such as engaging pictures and enticing language to increase conversions.

Simple Download:

Any reputable game development business will tell you that fixing all of the issues in the game isn’t enough if your game’s download link is broken. You don’t want your game to be tarnished in the eyes of potential players because of this minor issue, do you? As a result, make it exceedingly simple for your consumers to download the game once all of your predefined prerequisites, such as terms and conditions agreement and payment (if applicable), are met.

* Tip: Try the free-demo strategy to attract more users. Allow users to play the demo level for free, or install the first level of a large game that takes up less space on their smartphone. This will keep high numbers from scaring you away.

To summarize:-

It would be utterly unjust to compromise on user acquisition after you have invested in game development services and created a truly wonderful game. Given the market’s rivalry and the rapid changes in market trends, it is critical that you gain as many consumers as possible in the initial few weeks. You can always enhance your game in the future to meet the needs of the period, but all of your efforts will be futile if you don’t already have a large user base. As a result, if you truly want your game to be a market and industry success, you must invest in user acquisition with a comprehensive approach.

So now you know how to maximize the efficiency of your user acquisition efforts. One approach to improve the monetisation of your game idea is to have it produced with components that increase your chances of income streams, and who better to accomplish this than an agency that has been generating such blockbuster and ROI-driven games for years? Inventive Studio is a game development firm that has been generating gaming apps for many years.