The success of chart-topping apps demonstrates how mobile games can be a lucrative source of cash for many producers. These games, however, require much more than a compelling storyline, exciting gameplay, and high-quality graphics to succeed. In short, it requires more elements than you as a developer can give; it ...

Know how to stay alive before you learn how to shoot! It may seem obvious, but keep in mind that you’re directing a character who, in some ways, moves like a tank. Strafing, moving, aiming, firing, and attempting to do all of these things at the same time is difficult ...

The most common reasons given for the failure of relationships are sex, money and time issues. It usually is a combination of these and other factors that result in divorce or calling it quits. Although the divorce rate has decreased slightly over the last few years, this can largely be ...

Married couples, more so those that have been married for long years, could attest that in order to keep the passion in the relationship burning, both partners have to impress each other constantly. If you let life’s responsibilities consume both of you, chances are, your husband would look for passion ...

Spending time together as a couple is an important and necessary part of any relationship. Sometimes you can spend too little or too much time together. However, every couple should make an effort to spend some quality time together on a regular basis. If you are dating, this is easy. ...

Facing a breakup is an dreadfully difficult time for anyone. Your heart hurts, it’s impossible to eat properly and almost everything reminds you of your former lover. It’s a natural response to wish to get your ex back and you may be wondering what you can do to win your ...